Title: rainbowpath.tcz Description: Program for making paths pretty Version: 0.4.0 Author: Samuel Laurén samuel.lauren@iki.fi Original-site: https://github.com/Soft/rainbowpath Copying-policy: https://github.com/Soft/rainbowpath/blob/master/LICENSE Size: 8.0K Extension_by: rudock1 Tags: terminal colors shell prompt path Comments: rainbowpath is a program for making paths pretty. It can be used to make pretty shell prompts. rainbowpath formats supplied path by coloring each path component with a color selected from a palette. By default, colors for path components are selected based on the order they appear in the palette. If no palette is supplied a default one will be used. See rainbowpath-doc.tcz for PS1 prompt suggestions. ---------- This extension contains: rainbowpath-0.4.0 - MIT license https://github.com/Soft/rainbowpath/archive/0.4.tar.gz ---------- Compiled for 11.x x86_64 Change-log: first version Current: 2020/08/12 v0.4.0 (released 2019-09-16)