Title: python3.6-appdirs.tcz Description: python3.6 appdirs module Version: 1.4.4 Size: 16K Extension-by: Sashank999 Tags: python python3 appdirs Author: see below Original-site: see below Copying-policy: see below Comments: appdirs will help you choose an appropriate: user data dir (user_data_dir) user config dir (user_config_dir) user cache dir (user_cache_dir) site data dir (site_data_dir) site config dir (site_config_dir) user log dir (user_log_dir) and also: is a single module so other Python packages can include their own private copy is slightly opinionated on the directory names used. Look for “OPINION” in documentation and code for when an opinion is being applied. ------------------------- This extension contains : appdirs 1.4.4 - MIT - https://github.com/ActiveState/appdirs PyPI : https://pypi.org/project/appdirs/ ------------------------- Change-log: First Version Current: 2020/07/08