Title: python.tcz Description: python programming language Version: 2.7.17 Author: Python Software Foundation Original-site: http://www.python.org Copying-policy: Python license, http://www.python.org/psg/license Size: 11.0MB Extension_by: juanito, bmarkus Tags: python python2 Comments: Binaries only ---- can optionally use the tk8.6 extension ---- Change-log: 2013/01/20 First version, 2.7.3 2014/06/20 Updated to 2.7.7 by bmarkus 2014/10/12 updated to 2.7.7 -> 2.7.8 (juanito) 2015/09/05 updated to 2.7.8 -> 2.7.10 (juanito) 2015/09/05 updated to 2.7.10 -> 2.7.12 (juanito) 2017/10/06 updated to 2.7.12 -> 2.7.14 (juanito) 2018/02/07 added missing pycodegen (juanito) 2018/03/21 recompiled against updated readline/tcl/tk (juanito) Current: 2019/12/11 updated 2.7.14 -> 2.7.17 (juanito)