Title: iridium-browser.tcz Description: iridium web browser Version: 2019.04.73 Author: see the site below Original-site: https://iridiumbrowser.de/ Copying-policy: BSD 3-Clause Size: 104M Extension_by: gnuser Tags: web browser gtk+ gtk3 Comments: iridium web browser ---------- *** locale and timezone must be set *** ---------- This version of iridium is based on chromium 73.0.3683.103, with privacy enhancements and built-in libre codecs (including h264 support) ---------- This extension is the binary package provided by the iridium developers (iridium-browser_2019.04.73-1iridium0_amd64.deb) converted into a Tiny Core Linux extension. The only change I made was the addition of /usr/local/share and /usr/local/tce.installed directories ---------- Change-log: ---------- Current: 2019/10/05 First version for tc-10.x (gnuser)