Title: exfat-utils.tcz Description: exFAT filesystem support Version: v1.3.0.11 Author: Andrew Nayenko Original-site: https://github.com/relan/exfat Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 64K Extension_by: Rich Tags: exFAT filesystem support Comments: Utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystems. Built with: CFLAGS= -flto -mtune=generic -Os -pipe -Wall -Wextra -fno-plt CXXFLAGS= LDFLAGS=-Wl,-T/usr/local/lib/ldscripts/elf_x86_64.xbn PREFIX=/usr/local For man entry(s) see: /usr/local/share/man/man8/ Source: https://github.com/relan/exfat Change-log: 2020/04/02 Original release Version: v1.3.0.11 Current: 2020/04/02 Original release Version: v1.3.0.11