Title: sway.tcz TESTING Description: i3 Tiling compatible compositor for Wayland Version: 1.0 Author: Drew DeVault Original-site: https://github.com/swaywm/sway Copying-policy: Accompanied Size: 5.1M Extension_by: aus9 at gmx dot com Tags: wayland sway Comments: You must NOT load sway on a libX or Xorg desktop as your desktop will crash...... Online wiki is here https://github.com/swaywm/sway/wiki Note the wiki also mentions polkit matters. I have US keyboard, read the sway-doc for other inputs please. This wayland compositor might suit members who do not mind reading the config and using keyboard combinations (kb combos) to launch their fav apps. Kb combos tend to be faster than mouse, but you may need a mouse. If you change .config/sway/config, run from within sway $ sway -C (to check its correct) FIRST TIME USE ############### Download this App and sway-dot, then run sway-dot to create a dot local bin file called z -which you can edit if needed. $ tce-load -i sway-dot VIDEO DRIVER? ############# Closed source drivers are not supported by sway. How to start Sway ########### Exit to prompt and run $ z Running Sway ############ config has list of current kb combos and other info You can change the main modifier key--Note the capitals where applicable logo key = Mod4 (our default and defined elsewhere as $mod) Alt key = Mod1 Ctrl key = Control Shift key = Shift Create and move to new workspace (WS) by (eg) logo + 2 (or some other number) (The + sign means you hold down the logo key and press 2) Open a terminal by logo + Enter. One has been auto started on WS 1 Repeating logo and enter will tile second terminal....and so on etc. Tiling occurs for all apps too if you duplicate the kb combos. Except when dmenu/bemenu (optional deps) are active, your active app has a bold title bar. Start dmenu by logo + d Quit active App (executable) by (config shows it as focused window) logo + shift + q Exitting sway----- to get back to X(org) DE/WM ############# logo + Shift + e Use mouse to click correct button $ startx If you do not need a mouse, edit your home config line so it reads bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaymsg exit Optional dependencies ################## grim and slurp (take screenshots) dmenu ( a launcher must have xwayland loaded and enabled) bemenu and j4-dmenu-desktop (can run with xwayland disabled) wl-clipboard (terminal clipboard manager) wf-recorder (screen recorder--no sound) quick guide to change resolution and speed ###################################### $ swaymsg -t get_outputs (look at output ---mine defaults to highest resolution @ 60Hz and modify the config file with my example showing) output HDMI-A-2 mode 1280x1024@75Hz (exit sway and re-start it then repeat get outputs command) Other info ######## Tray icon support has been disabled this build. Bottom of file has some non-standard configs below the ###s # xwayland disable exec lxterminal exec apps ^^ remove the comment if you are confident using commands to maintain your system without FLTK GUIs You can launch more apps on WS 1 INSTEAD of creating keybindings and then use "move" kb combos to move them to preferred WS numbers eg I use a specific workspace for local terminal, another for web browser etc Remember your "move" kb combo actions the ACTIVE titlebar app Alternatively try at WS 1....use kb combo to -- create and move -- to workspace 2 = logo +2 ...use config "created" kb keybinding to launch your fav app repeat to create and move to workspace 3...etc.etc IMHO my first way is faster. I recommend you remove wbar and add sway then reboot to test sway. Otherwise you will need to kill wbar if you load a new package on sway. Remember sway will not auto launch over reboot, it needs to exit to prompt and run z command. Compiled for 10.x Change-log: 2019/05/30 first version Current: 2019/05/30