Title: pcmanfm.tcz Description: Graphical File Manager Version: 1.3.0 Author: many see -doc/AUTHORS Original-site: https://downloads.sourceforge.net/pcmanfm Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 132K Extension_by: aus9 at gmx dot com Tags: pcmanfm Comments: Warning: all partitions may be automounted but no umount in this app. Use the mount tool to un-mount please. Adjust .config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf if automount does not suit you, etc also note you should have a gtk2 config file at .gtkrc-2.0 compiled for 10x Change-log: 2014/01/18 First version, (bmarkus) 2015/08/20 v1.2.3 (gordon64) Current: 2019/02/10 v1.3.0 (aus9)