Title: gstreamer-vaapi.tcz Description: gstreamer vaapi Version: 1.14.4 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 288KB Extension_by: juanito Tags: gstreamer va vaapi Comments: gstreamer va api hardware acceleration ---------- deps are for intel graphics hardware to play mp4 files ---------- requires Xorg-7.7-3d test with: gst-launch-1.0 -v filesrc location=/path-to-file/*.mp4 ! qtdemux ! vaapidecode ! vaapisink fullscreen=true ---------- this extension contains: gstreamer-vaapi-1.14.4 - lGPLv2.1 - http://www.freedesktop.org/software/vaapi/releases/gstreamer-vaapi/gstreamer-vaapi-1.14.4.tar.xz ---------- Change-log: 2015/10/18 first version 2016/06/25 updated 0.6.1 -> 1.8.1 2018/01/31 updated 1.8.1 -> 1.12.4 Current: 2018/12/08 updated 1.12.4 -> 1.14.4