Title: apr.tcz Project: apr Description: Apache Portable Runtime Project Library Version: 1.7.0 Author: Apache Software Foundation Original-site: http://apr.apache.org Copying-policy: Apache License, 2.0 Size: 120K Extension_by: andyj Tags: apache runtime library Comments: Apache runtime library used by various apache projects such as httpd ---- Change-log: 2016/04/06 First version, 1.5.2 2016/12/17 recompiled to change path to /usr/local 2017/07/01 recompiled for TC 8.x 2018/01/12 recompiled for TC 9.x 2018/04/11 updated to version 1.6.3 2019/01/21 compiled for TC 10.x 2019/02/09 updated to version 1.6.5 Current: 2019/12/05 updated to version 1.7.0