Title: android-file-transfer.tcz Description: Connect PC to Android for file tranfers Version: 3.6 Author: Vladimir Menshakov Original-site: https://github.com/whoozle/android-file-transfer-linux Copying-policy: LGPL v2.1 Size: 2.5M Extension_by: aus9 at gmx dot com Tags: android Comments: One method of transferring files from/to Android/PC Does not use udev/rules Access internal storage or sdcard, no access to System Files to root device etc If you are happy with gmtp/gvfs/mtpfs or any other mtp software, you might not need this TCE See the website (or doc TCE) for known problems, eg samsung phones are read only. Android Instructions Enable USB debugging System settings -> about phone TAP "build number" 7 times to enable developer mode Go into new dir and turn on usb debugging Next, data cable is connected PC to a live phone Enable file transfer (default is charging) ---on most androids, its a pull down notification. Some recent Androids may ask if you trust the attached PC PC Instructions, vary depending on your home persistance, $ mkdir ~/Android # if no persistence $ aft-mtp-mount ~/Android ( You may see a ignorable error as per below) Navigate using your file manager or terminal to Android dir and copy/paste or "whatever" you need to do Ignoreable error suggests phone is NOT mounted when it is! image of error https://imgur.com/a/mqXwnSv proof pcmanfm sees non-Samsung Android OK https://imgur.com/a/o5bkkZU Compiled for 10.x Change-log: 2018/01/07 First version Current: 2019/02/21