system environment/tools

rh-qpid-cpp-tests - Internal Red Hat test utilities

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
Tools which can be used by Red Hat for doing different tests
in RHTS and other places and which customers do not need
to receive at all.


rh-qpid-cpp-tests-0.14-14.el6_2.i686 [151 KiB] Changelog by Justin Ross (2012-03-21):
- Related: rhbz#765803
- Rebase to 0.14
- BZs: 730017, 759114, 760636, 786875, 791249, 795399, 797426, 798236,
  800028, 801310
rh-qpid-cpp-tests-0.10-8.el6_1.i686 [149 KiB] Changelog by Justin Ross (2011-10-05):
- Related rhbz#743512 - mrg_2.0.x patch was updated to include:
  - BZ 690107: Too many 'task overran' warnings in qpid broker logs
  - BZ 728586: Broker memory bloat due to leak of messages.
  - BZ 730017: Cluster authentication ignores cluster-* settings
  - BZ 732063: creating invalid federation link causes file descriptor
  - BZ 733543: Client freezes up when sending a large message
  - BZ 734608: qpidd core dump when accessed from a 1.2 client
  - BZ 736160: Qpidd possible memory leaks
rh-qpid-cpp-tests-0.10-6.el6.i686 [148 KiB] Changelog by Kim van der Riet (2011-06-07):
- Related rhbz#706120
- MRG 2.0 GA build, equates to 0.10-8.el5 build
- The mrg-2.0.x patch file was updated to include:
  - BZ 707023: RPMdiff failure (multilib regressions) in qpid-qmf
  - BZ 709343: Packaging problem in qpid-qmf-devel (qmf-gen templates)
  - BZ 709862: dash-7 source RPM does not build
  - BZ 671369: RDMA client can segfault when no SASL mechanism specified

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4