
file - A utility for determining file types

License: BSD
Vendor: Scientific Linux
The file command is used to identify a particular file according to the
type of data contained by the file.  File can identify many different
file types, including ELF binaries, system libraries, RPM packages, and
different graphics formats.


file-5.04-13.el6.i686 [44 KiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2012-02-14):
- fix #688136 - fixed the patch from previous commit
- fix #719583 - support for local magic file in /etc/magic
file-5.04-11.el6.i686 [43 KiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2011-09-05):
- fix #730336 - updated patch from upstream
file-5.04-9.el6.i686 [43 KiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2011-06-29):
- fix #716665 - detect MP3 files properly

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