- 389-ds-base-devel - Development libraries for 389 Directory Server
- clusterlib-devel - The Red Hat Cluster libraries development package
- cups-devel - Common Unix Printing System - development environment
- dhcp-devel - Development headers and libraries for interfacing to the DHCP server
- glibc-devel - Object files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-headers - Header files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-static - C library static libraries for -static linking.
- libcgroup - Tools and libraries to control and monitor control groups
- libcgroup-devel - Development libraries to develop applications that utilize control groups
- libcurl - A library for getting files from web servers
- libcurl-devel - Files needed for building applications with libcurl
- libgudev1 - Libraries for adding libudev support to applications that use glib
- libgudev1-devel - Header files for adding libudev support to applications that use glib
- libipa_hbac - FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
- libipa_hbac-devel - FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
- libsss_idmap - FreeIPA Idmap library
- libsss_idmap-devel - FreeIPA Idmap library
- libsss_nss_idmap - Library for SID based lookups
- libsss_nss_idmap-devel - Library for SID based lookups
- libsss_simpleifp - The SSSD D-Bus responder helper library
- libsss_simpleifp-devel - The SSSD D-Bus responder helper library
- libudev-devel - Development files for libudev
- net-snmp-devel - The development environment for the NET-SNMP project
- net-snmp-libs - The NET-SNMP runtime libraries
- net-snmp-perl - The perl NET-SNMP module and the mib2c tool
- net-snmp-python - The Python 'netsnmp' module for the NET-SNMP
- poppler - PDF rendering library
- poppler-devel - Libraries and headers for poppler
- poppler-glib - Glib wrapper for poppler
- poppler-glib-devel - Development files for glib wrapper
- poppler-qt-devel - Development files for Qt3 wrapper
- poppler-qt4-devel - Development files for Qt4 wrapper
- python-libipa_hbac - Python2 bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
- python-libsss_nss_idmap - Python2 bindings for libsss_nss_idmap
- python-perf - Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
- python-sss - Python2 bindings for sssd
- python-sss-murmur - Python2 bindings for murmur hash function
- subscription-manager-rhsm - A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
- subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates - Certificates required to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
- unbound-devel - Development package that includes the unbound header files