--- contrib_package_information: 1.0 package: gstatus licence: GPL submitted_by: - name: Pat Riehecky email: riehecky@fnal.gov primary_contact: Yes project_page: https://github.com/pcuzner/gstatus project_code: https://github.com/pcuzner/gstatus release_date: 06/11/2015 release_announcement: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2015-0682.html production_ready: Yes explanation_of_hosting: > With the inclusion of gluster server packages a clean status tool is helpful for determining the overall cluster state. release_description: > A gluster trusted pool (aka cluster), consists of several key components; nodes, volumes and bricks. In glusterfs 3.4/3.5, there is no a single command that can provide an overview of the cluster health. This means that admins currently assess the cluster health by looking at several commands to piece together a picture of the cluster state. This is not ideal - so 'gstatus' is an attempt to provide an easy to use, highlevel view of a cluster health through a single command. The tool gathers information by issuing gluster commands, to build an object model covering Nodes, Volumes and Bricks. With this data in place, checks are performed across this meta data and errors reported back to the user. In later releases, this data could be analysed in different ways to add further checks, incorporating deployment best practices, freespace triggers etc. security_update: No fixed_bugs : No fixed_cves : No rpms: - SL6_SRPMS: - gstatus-0.63-2.1.el6rhs.src.rpm - SL6_x86_64: - gstatus-0.63-2.1.el6rhs.x86_64.rpm - SL6_debuginfo: - gstatus-debuginfo-0.63-2.1.el6rhs.x86_64.rpm