#!/bin/bash NAMESERVER= BLUEARC= LINUXSERVER=linux1.fnal.gov ######################################################################## # Check to see if any kernel modules are installed, if not, end here if rpm -qa | grep -q kernel-module ; then echo "This machine has kernel modules installed ... fixing" ######################################################################## # Make sure grubby exists, if it does fix up grub if [ -f /sbin/grubby ] ; then DKERNEL=`/sbin/grubby --default-kernel` echo "checking on kernel $DKERNEL" if [ -f $DKERNEL ] ; then echo "Default kernel is real" elif [ -f /boot/$DKERNEL ] ; then echo "Default kernel is real" else echo "Default kernel is not real" echo "removing it from grub" grubby --remove-kernel=$DKERNEL fi else echo "There is no grubby, we cannot fixup grub" fi ######################################################################## # Check to see if we are on the network if ping -q -c 1 -w 2 $BLUEARC > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Found a network.. " ###################################################################### # Make sure we can do a name lookup if grep -q nameserver /etc/resolv.conf ; then echo " Found a nameserver entry.. " else echo " Nameserver entry not found ... adding one.. " echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER" >> /etc/resolv.conf fi if ping -q -c 1 -w 2 $LINUXSERVER > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Network setup properly: Fixing up the kernel modules" ###################################################################### # Do this one kernel module at a time, one kernel at a time # Hopefully that really is only for one kernel and one kernel module # But we want to make sure rpm -qa | grep kernel-module | cut -d'-' -f3 | sort -u | while read module do cd /lib/modules ls -1d 2.6* | while read kern do echo " Installing kernel-module-$module-$kern" yum -y install kernel-module-$module-$kern done done else ###################################################################### # Notify the user that we weren't able to do their updates echo "We could not access the distribution servers" echo "Since we could not access the distribution servers, " echo "we could not fix any problem with the proper kernel module being installed." fi else ###################################################################### # Since we don't have a network, we cannot fix any problem # with the proper kernel module being installed. echo "Since we don't have a network, we cannot fix any problem" echo " with the proper kernel module being installed." fi ######################################################################## else ###################################################################### # No kernel modules installed, so nothing to do echo "No kernel modules installed, nothing to fixup" fi exit 0