. ../locations.include DATE=`date "+%m%d%y"` if [ -d $CDISOAREA ] ; then echo "Creating CD iso images in $CDISOAREA" else mkdir -p $CDISOAREA fi # CDNAME=$CDISOAREA/$DEFAULT.$VERSION.$DATE.$ARCH DEST="$CDNAME.security.contrib.srpms.iso" #we do not have space on the dvd so they will just have to make a cd for these FILES="/=$TREE/GPL /=$TREE/$DEFAULT.releasenote /=$TREE/README " SECURITY="updates/security=$TREE/updates/security/" SRPMS="SRPMS=$RELEASEDIR/SRPMS/SL/" FASTBUGS="updates/fastbugs=$TREE/updates/fastbugs/" CONTRIB="contrib=$TREE/contrib/" DIRS1="$DEFAULT.documentation=$TREE/$DEFAULT.documentation RPM-GPG-KEYs=$TREE/RPM-GPG-KEYs " DIRS2="build=$TREE/build build/RHupdates/=$TREE/RHupdates/" mkisofs \ -A "$VERSION DVD-2" \ -V "$DEFAULT $VERSION $ARCH" \ -R -l -v -J \ -x ./lost+found \ -o $DEST \ -graft-points /=$TREE/.discinfo $FILES $SECURITY $FASTBUGS $CONTRIB $DIRS1 $DIRS2 $SRPMS cd $CDISOAREA echo "Making SHA1SUMS now, this will take a while" sha1sum $DEFAULT-$VERSION-$DATE-$ARCH-*.iso >> $CDNAME.SHA1SUM