. locations.include #Lets customize the isolinux files. Need to do this now so that they make #it on the boot.iso which is build in buildinstall . sed -e "s/__ARCH__/$ARCH/ ; s/__VERSION__/$VERSIONIMAGE/" $TREE/build/isolinux/boot.msg.SL > /$TREE/build/isolinux/boot.msg sed -e "s/__ARCH__/$ARCH/ ; s/__VERSION__/$VERSIONIMAGE/" $TREE/build/isolinux/syslinux.cfg.SL > $TREE/build/isolinux/syslinux.cfg sed -e "s/__ARCH__/$ARCH/ ; s/__VERSION__/$VERSIONIMAGE/" $TREE/build/isolinux/isolinux.cfg.SL > $TREE/build/isolinux/isolinux.cfg # if [ -d $TREE/isolinux ] ; then /bin/rm -r $TREE/isolinux fi #sh ./build.pkgorder.sh #buildinstall is going to build a new one echo "sh -x ./buildinstall --comps $TREE/$DEFAULT/repodata/comps-sl.xml --pkgorder $TREE/build/base/pkgorder-$DEFAULT --version $VERSION --product "Scientific Linux" --release $RELEASE --prodpath $DEFAULT --discs "1,2,3,4,5" $TREE" sh -x ./buildinstall --comps $TREE/$DEFAULT/repodata/comps-sl.xml --pkgorder $TREE/build/base/pkgorder-$DEFAULT --version $VERSION --product "Scientific Linux" --release $RELEASE --prodpath $DEFAULT --discs "1,2,3,4,5" $TREE echo "Now fixing up images" if [ ! -d /mnt/sltmp ] ; then mkdir /mnt/sltmp fi if [ $ARCH == "ia64" ]; then echo "no customized boot images for $ARCH for now..." else if [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ]; then echo "no customized boot images for $ARCH for now..." else if [ $ARCH == "i386" ]; then echo "nothing to change now" fi fi fi