DEFAULT=SL i386=`ls ../../$DEFAULT/$1.i?86.rpm 2>/dev/null` rpmarch=`rpm -qp --queryformat "%{arch}" $2` ok=`ls ../../$DEFAULT/$1.$rpmarch.rpm` if [ -z "$ok" ] ; then ok2=`ls ../../../archive/notsupported/$1` if [ ! -z "$ok2" ] ; then echo "should go in ../../../archive/notsupported/ ,move it over there?" echo "Or you can enter skip and I will skip it" read new if [ -n "$new" ] ; then if [ $new = "skip" ] ; then echo "Skipping --> $2 " fi else mv -v $2 ../../../notsupported/RPMS/ echo -e "\t$2" >> notsupported.log fi exit else echo "This is a new one do you want me to copy it over to ../../$DEFAULT/ now" echo "Or you can enter skip and I will skip it" read new if [ -n "$new" ] ; then if [ $new = "skip" ] ; then echo "Skipping --> $2 " fi else mv -v $2 ../../$DEFAULT/ echo -e "\t$2" >> new.log fi exit fi # -z $ok fi okbase=`basename $ok` myarch=`uname -p` if [ ! -z "$i386" ] ; then if [ "$rpmarch" = "$myarch" ] ; then i386arch=`rpm -qp --queryformat "%{arch}" $i386 ` newrpm=`rpm -qp --queryformat "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.$i386arch.rpm " $2` if [ ! -s ../../$DEFAULT/$newrpm ] ; then echo "There seems to be a i?86 version of this that we do not have" echo "$newrpm $i386" >> i386.log fi fi fi echo "old one" echo "$okbase" echo "Press enter if ok --> $2 , enter skip if you want to skip it" me="" read me if [ -n "$me" ] ; then if [ $me = "skip" ] ; then echo "Skipping --> $2 " fi else echo "okbase is $okbase" if [ -z "$okbase" ] ; then echo "base rpm name is null, skipping" else if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "rpm name is null, skipping" else mv -v ../../$DEFAULT/$okbase ../../../archive/obsolete/ mv -v $2 ../../$DEFAULT/ ln -sf ../../$DEFAULT/$2 ../security/$2 echo -e "\t$2" >> errata.log # remove old version out of RedHat/RPMS/ if [ -s ../security/$okbase ] ; then rm ../security/$okbase fi fi fi fi