fermi false Fermi xxxx fermi-kerberos true Fermi Kerberos Fermi versions of Kerberos rpms with cryptocard support krb5-libs-fermi krb5-workstation-fermi krb5-fermi-config fermi-slip true Fermi SLIP Fermi SLIP client and dependencies ocsinventory-client perl-Compress-Zlib perl-XML-Simple perl-HTML-Parser fermi-qmx true QMX QMX and accomplaning collection scripts qmx zz_qmx_collection_scripts openssh-server true Openssh Server Select this if you need OpenSSH server openssh-server zz_sshd_pam openafs-client true Openafs Client Includes openafs clients customized for Fermi openafs-client-sl zz_sshd_aklog openafs-thiscell SL_afs_no_dynroot SL_firefox_parentlock_fix yum true YUM YUM is similar to autorpm and apt-get, it provides for easy rpm installation, upgrades and removals yum yum-conf local-printer true Local Printer Rpm needed for printing to a locally attached printer Omni Omni-foomatic system-config-printer ghostscript hpijs system-config-printer-gui desktop-printing upsupdbootstrap true UPS/UPD Bootstrap Contains rpms needed for Fermi UPS/UPD bootstrap, installs to /fnal upsupdbootstrap upsupdbootstrap-fnal perl perl-libwww-perl kernel-development true Kernel Development Packages needed to create kernel modules kernel-devel fermi-common false Fermi Common base yum yum-conf Fermi-release SL_inittab_change ntp ncurses4 anacron fermi-common-offsite false Fermi Common Offsite fermi-common fermi-common-onsite false Fermi Common Onsite fermi-common-offsite fermi-kerberos fermi-slip flpr zz_ntp_configure zz_tcp_wrappers_change zz_dhcp_resolv zz_sendmail_fermi_gateway zz_firstboot_fix zz_pine_user_domain fermi-desktop-common false Fermi Desktop Common base-x admin-tools text-internet dialup nedit vim-enhanced alpine gv SL_enable_slocate_cron fermi-desktop false Fermi Desktop fermi-desktop-common printing sound-and-video graphics graphical-internet editors fermi-desktop-medium false Fermi Desktop Medium fermi-desktop-common printing sound-and-video graphical-internet editors fermi-desktop-small false Fermi Desktop Small fermi-desktop-common graphical-internet fermi-desktop-offsite Fermi Desktop, Large disk usage, for Offsite Use false Fermi Desktop Offsite fermi-desktop fermi-common-offsite fermi-desktop-onsite Fermi Desktop, Large disk usage, for Onsite Use false Fermi Desktop Large Onsite fermi-desktop fermi-common-onsite fermi-desktop-medium-onsite Fermi Desktop, Medium disk usage, for Onsite Use false Fermi Desktop Medium Onsite fermi-desktop-medium fermi-common-onsite fermi-desktop-small-onsite Fermi Desktop, Small disk usage, for Onsite Use false Fermi Desktop Small Onsite fermi-desktop-small fermi-common-onsite fermi-compute-server false Fermi Compute Server fermi-common-onsite mysql-tools MySQL Database Tools This package group contains packages useful for use with MySQL. false true base MyODBC MySQL-python libdbi-dbd-mysql mod_auth_mysql mysql mysql-bench mysql-devel perl-DBD-MySQL mysql-server php-mysql qt-MySQL qt-ODBC unixODBC mysqlclient10 mysql-server MySQL Database Server This package group contains MySQL server. false true base mysql-tools mysql-server postgresql-tools Postgresql Database Tools This package group contains packages useful for use with Postgresql. false true base perl-DBD-Pg postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-docs postgresql-jdbc postgresql-odbc postgresql-pl postgresql-python postgresql-tcl postgresql-test qt-ODBC rhdb-utils tora unixODBC unixODBC-kde postgresql-server Postgresql SQL Database Server This package group installs Postgresql Server false true base postgresql-tools postgresql-server postgresql-test postgresql-pl fermigenericdesktopmeta false FermiGenericDesktopMeta fermi-kerberos yum kde-desktop base-x admin-tools graphics graphical-internet text-internet editors dialup sound-and-video development-tools office upsupdbootstrap printing fermigenericdesktopoffsitemeta false FermiGenericDesktopOffsiteMeta fermi-kerberos yum kde-desktop base-x admin-tools development-tools printing graphics sound-and-video graphical-internet text-internet editors office dialup