chkconfig afs on chkconfig ypbind on chkconfig klogin on chkconfig eklogin on chkconfig telnet on chkconfig kshell on cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.orig cp /etc/group /etc/group.orig cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/k5login /root/.k5login cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.allow cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/yp.conf /etc/yp.conf cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/lsf /etc/init.d/lsf cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/shells /etc/shells cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/afs.conf /etc/sysconfig/afs cp /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/authconfig /etc/sysconfig/authconfig yum install -y kernel-module-openafs-`uname -r` yum install -y compat-libstdc++-33 compat-libstdc++-296 java-1.4.2-sun-compat yum install -y SL_enable_serialconsole yum install -y openafs-compat.i386 cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s /bin/csh csh ;ln -s /bin/ksh ksh;ln -s /bin/bash bash; ln -s /bin/tcsh tcsh chmod 1777 /local/stage1 chmod 1777 /usr/scratch/sect1 ln -s /etc/init.d/lsf /etc/rc2.d/S99lsf ln -s /usr/bin/pagsh.openafs /usr/bin/pagsh mkdir -p /minos/scratch mkdir -p /minos/data cat /etc/FnaluBatch/configfiles/fstab.addons >> /etc/fstab echo "check after reboot that domainname is set and also check:fstab entries" echo "fstab entries for minos mounts"