|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |MOTOROLA MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY TECHNOLOGY GROUP |M68000 Hi-Performance Microprocessor Division |M68060 Software Package |Production Release P1.00 -- October 10, 1994 | |M68060 Software Package Copyright © 1993, 1994 Motorola Inc. All rights reserved. | |THE SOFTWARE is provided on an "AS IS" basis and without warranty. |To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, |MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, |INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE |and any warranty against infringement with regard to the SOFTWARE |(INCLUDING ANY MODIFIED VERSIONS THEREOF) and any accompanying written materials. | |To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, |IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER |(INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, |BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) |ARISING OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. |Motorola assumes no responsibility for the maintenance and support of the SOFTWARE. | |You are hereby granted a copyright license to use, modify, and distribute the SOFTWARE |so long as this entire notice is retained without alteration in any modified and/or |redistributed versions, and that such modified versions are clearly identified as such. |No licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under any patents |or trademarks of Motorola, Inc. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | iskeleton.s | | This file contains: | (1) example "Call-out"s | (2) example package entry code | (3) example "Call-out" table | #include #include #include "../kernel/m68k_defs.h" |################################ | (1) EXAMPLE CALL-OUTS # | # | _060_isp_done() # | _060_real_chk() # | _060_real_divbyzero() # | # | _060_real_cas() # | _060_real_cas2() # | _060_real_lock_page() # | _060_real_unlock_page() # |################################ | | _060_isp_done(): | | This is and example main exit point for the Unimplemented Integer | Instruction exception handler. For a normal exit, the | _isp_unimp() branches to here so that the operating system | can do any clean-up desired. The stack frame is the | Unimplemented Integer Instruction stack frame with | the PC pointing to the instruction following the instruction | just emulated. | To simply continue execution at the next instruction, just | do an "rte". | | Linux/68k: If returning to user space, check for needed reselections. .global _060_isp_done _060_isp_done: btst #0x5,%sp@ | supervisor bit set in saved SR? beq .Lnotkern rte .Lnotkern: SAVE_ALL_INT GET_CURRENT(%d0) tstl %curptr@(TASK_NEEDRESCHED) jne SYMBOL_NAME(ret_from_exception) | deliver signals, | reschedule etc.. RESTORE_ALL | | _060_real_chk(): | | This is an alternate exit point for the Unimplemented Integer | Instruction exception handler. If the instruction was a "chk2" | and the operand was out of bounds, then _isp_unimp() creates | a CHK exception stack frame from the Unimplemented Integer Instrcution | stack frame and branches to this routine. | | Linux/68k: commented out test for tracing .global _060_real_chk _060_real_chk: | tst.b (%sp) | is tracing enabled? | bpls real_chk_end | no | | CHK FRAME TRACE FRAME | ***************** ***************** | * Current PC * * Current PC * | ***************** ***************** | * 0x2 * 0x018 * * 0x2 * 0x024 * | ***************** ***************** | * Next * * Next * | * PC * * PC * | ***************** ***************** | * SR * * SR * | ***************** ***************** | | move.b #0x24,0x7(%sp) | set trace vecno | bral _060_real_trace real_chk_end: bral SYMBOL_NAME(trap) | jump to trap handler | | _060_real_divbyzero: | | This is an alternate exit point for the Unimplemented Integer | Instruction exception handler isp_unimp(). If the instruction is a 64-bit | integer divide where the source operand is a zero, then the _isp_unimp() | creates a Divide-by-zero exception stack frame from the Unimplemented | Integer Instruction stack frame and branches to this routine. | | Remember that a trace exception may be pending. The code below performs | no action associated with the "chk" exception. If tracing is enabled, | then it create a Trace exception stack frame from the "chk" exception | stack frame and branches to the _real_trace() entry point. | | Linux/68k: commented out test for tracing .global _060_real_divbyzero _060_real_divbyzero: | tst.b (%sp) | is tracing enabled? | bpls real_divbyzero_end | no | | DIVBYZERO FRAME TRACE FRAME | ***************** ***************** | * Current PC * * Current PC * | ***************** ***************** | * 0x2 * 0x014 * * 0x2 * 0x024 * | ***************** ***************** | * Next * * Next * | * PC * * PC * | ***************** ***************** | * SR * * SR * | ***************** ***************** | | move.b #0x24,0x7(%sp) | set trace vecno | bral _060_real_trace real_divbyzero_end: bral SYMBOL_NAME(trap) | jump to trap handler |########################## | | _060_real_cas(): | | Entry point for the selected cas emulation code implementation. | If the implementation provided by the 68060ISP is sufficient, | then this routine simply re-enters the package through _isp_cas. | .global _060_real_cas _060_real_cas: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x08 | | _060_real_cas2(): | | Entry point for the selected cas2 emulation code implementation. | If the implementation provided by the 68060ISP is sufficient, | then this routine simply re-enters the package through _isp_cas2. | .global _060_real_cas2 _060_real_cas2: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x10 | | _060_lock_page(): | | Entry point for the operating system`s routine to "lock" a page | from being paged out. This routine is needed by the cas/cas2 | algorithms so that no page faults occur within the "core" code | region. Note: the routine must lock two pages if the operand | spans two pages. | NOTE: THE ROUTINE SHOULD RETURN AN FSLW VALUE IN D0 ON FAILURE | SO THAT THE 060SP CAN CREATE A PROPER ACCESS ERROR FRAME. | Arguments: | a0 = operand address | d0 = `xxxxxxff -> supervisor; `xxxxxx00 -> user | d1 = `xxxxxxff -> longword; `xxxxxx00 -> word | Expected outputs: | d0 = 0 -> success; non-zero -> failure | | Linux/68k: As long as ints are disabled, no swapping out should | occur (hopefully...) | .global _060_real_lock_page _060_real_lock_page: clr.l %d0 rts | | _060_unlock_page(): | | Entry point for the operating system`s routine to "unlock" a | page that has been "locked" previously with _real_lock_page. | Note: the routine must unlock two pages if the operand spans | two pages. | Arguments: | a0 = operand address | d0 = `xxxxxxff -> supervisor; `xxxxxx00 -> user | d1 = `xxxxxxff -> longword; `xxxxxx00 -> word | | Linux/68k: As we do no special locking operation, also no unlocking | is needed... .global _060_real_unlock_page _060_real_unlock_page: clr.l %d0 rts |########################################################################### |################################# | (2) EXAMPLE PACKAGE ENTRY CODE # |################################# .global _060_isp_unimp _060_isp_unimp: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x00 .global _060_isp_cas _060_isp_cas: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x08 .global _060_isp_cas2 _060_isp_cas2: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x10 .global _060_isp_cas_finish _060_isp_cas_finish: bra.l _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x18 .global _060_isp_cas2_finish _060_isp_cas2_finish: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x20 .global _060_isp_cas_inrange _060_isp_cas_inrange: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x28 .global _060_isp_cas_terminate _060_isp_cas_terminate: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x30 .global _060_isp_cas_restart _060_isp_cas_restart: bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x38 |########################################################################### |############################### | (3) EXAMPLE CALL-OUT SECTION # |############################### | The size of this section MUST be 128 bytes!!! .global _I_CALL_TOP _I_CALL_TOP: .long _060_real_chk - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_divbyzero - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_trace - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_access - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_isp_done - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_cas - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_cas2 - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_lock_page - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_real_unlock_page - _I_CALL_TOP .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 .long _060_imem_read - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_read - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_write - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_imem_read_word - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_imem_read_long - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_read_byte - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_read_word - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_read_long - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_write_byte - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_write_word - _I_CALL_TOP .long _060_dmem_write_long - _I_CALL_TOP .long 0x00000000 .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 |########################################################################### | 060 INTEGER KERNEL PACKAGE MUST GO HERE!!! .include "isp.sa"